
Add This Site to Your Favorites and Then Share It

With how simple it is to bookmark HTML, the process of sharing is as easy as the click of a button or two. There is no fancy coding, no excessive typing, just a quick copy-and-paste and you can share your absolute favorite links and bookmarks with anyone and everyone you know.

Bookmarks and favorites have been around for a very long time, but they are just now becoming really popular as material to share. Social media outlets like Facebook have evolved past the silly nonsense uses that it started out with and has actually grown to become a source for communication and sharing. Not only is that a sharing of opinions and political views, but it can be a sharing of links and bookmarks both personal and informative.

  • Add to Favorites
  • Depending upon the browser that you use, you either have the option to “Add to Favorites” or “Add to Bookmarks”. They allow you to take your favorite sites, those that you visit multiple times a day, every day, and save their address so you do not need to keep typing in their URLs. Now, when you open your web browser every time, all you need to do is click on the bookmark button for that site. That one button will whisk you away to your desired location. The best part is, you can have as many as you want, and organize them in any way.

  • Bookmark This Page
  • Do you know how to create a bookmark HTML-style? You can use whatever browser it is that you prefer and you can create a genuine bookmark HTML that way. In Google Chrome, the bookmarking process can be achieved two different ways. Both of which are incredibly simple to do.

    You can simply click the little star icon at the right side of the address bar. In doing so, it automatically adds the bookmark to the bar that sits beneath the address bar. Or, on the far left of the address bar is a little icon, usually a little white page or a maybe a little symbol that the site has allocated. You can grab that and just drag it down to the bookmarks bar beneath the address bar.

  • Share to Facebook
  • Once you start bookmarking your own, personal favorite sites, you can start sharing those sites with friends, or start sharing other favorites with people. Whether it is a picture, a video, or just a link to a funny Top 5 list, you can do all of that right in Facebook, and the interface makes it simple. All you need to do is copy-and-paste the URL into the “Status Update” bar at the top of your Facebook, hit “Share” and it is done!

So put the social back into social media. Interact with all of your friends by sharing your favorite links and sites. Who knows, you could introduce someone to something they have never seen before, and change their lives!